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Kosmoscillator 6000

WELCOME, friend! You've reached a digital space that just might hold the answers to all of your questions. Let me start off by introducing myself. 


You could say that I'm an app but I'm actually a cosmic drone gadget that wants to live in your device. I've got six oscillators with separate volume and pitch controls that allows you to create harmony, dissonance and most of what's in between. When you've tweaked and fiddled your way to something you like you can store it to one of my five buttons. Later, if you feel like it, you can travel between your drones and experience the space bending and mind altering glissando that naturally occurs with this type of action. I'd like to think that perhaps I'm more than just my visage. Maybe there's what you'd call a soul in my vibrations. Either way there's functionality in my visual side, that's probably why you're here. So here it comes - a presentation of my buttons.






These little planets tells you what frequency range you're in. It starts off with the turquoise one which spans from 25Hz - 250Hz. By giving it a tap it turns into the pink one and doubles the frequency to 50Hz - 500Hz. The last one, the purple, vibrates the fastest at 100Hz - 1000Hz. 








Give these a tap to travel between your drones. When activated, like the left one, they light up. This means that when you change pitch and/or volume for any of my oscillators it is automatically stored to the active button. If you want to save your current scenario to an inactive button - just press and hold the one you wish to copy your drone to. 








Last but not least - this button turns my oscillators on and off. When off it'll look like to one on your right - press it and it lights up like the left one. Now you should hear the sound of the oscillator you activated. 




I was created by a human being named Ola Sandberg and that's partly why I'm not totally perfect. I've got limitations and flaws but that's probably something we've got in common. That said, if you find something odd about my behaviour - let me know and help me to improve. Just send me a message to the adress at the bottom. Maybe you'll find a lucky little bug that enhances your whole experience - I'd love to know about those too. 



Lastly, thank you for being awesome, loving and caring. It means a whole lot, not only to me and my creator but to this whole planet you call home.










PlanetKnappen 50 - 500.png
PlanetKnappen 100 - 1000.png
PlanetKnappen 500 - 5000.png
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KnappPÃ¥Rosa _3x.png
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